
3 Bread Misconceptions Debunked

Bread has served as a breakfast of at any time of the day, convenient and fast. However, many misconceptions about this food. Here are the top 3

Lack of nutrients

There are many different types of bread which are good for health. Typically, Whole Wheat Bread and Black Sesame Bread offer rich fiber, protein, iron, potassium, and good starch.

Makes you gain weight
False. A bad ratio of calories in and calories out, along with eating food low in nutrition and high in fats, makes you fat. However, by balancing your calorie intake there is plenty of room for bread in a healthy diet. In fact, a loaf of bread offer needed nutrients, like complex carbohydrates, and help you feel full longer.

Too plain and boring
Bread has served meal companion to with meat, eggs and veggies… But it can also be served as appetizers, from main courses to desserts, such as garlic butter bread, or bread with pumpkin soup, bread with ice cream inside. Whenever you crave, O'Smiles Vietnam Frozen Bread is always ready to serve you.

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